I can't believe my baby is already TWO!
In some ways it feels like she has been around much longer than two years, but it also seems like she was just born.
Millie defiantly has her own wild personality.
She seriously has no fear. She is always climbing as high as she can get, jumping off of everything, and getting into everything possible. I really can't leave the room without her doing something crazy. I am really am not sure how she hasn't broken a bone or had to get stitches yet.
She calls Ellie, EE. (Which is what Ellie called herself as a baby)
She calls Mika, Babe Mika or Dad. (I guess I really need to work on calling him Dad too)
Millie will get mad at Ellie and say, "Naughty, Naughty", and shake her little finger at her.
When someone knocks on the door she yells, "Come in!" But it sounds more like, "Um in!"
When she wakes up from her naps, she will yell out for someone to come and get her. She starts out with "Mom, mom", and if I don't go in immediately, she will yell "EE, EE", and she doesn't go in, she starts yelling "Mika, dad". It's pretty funny, she is determined to get someone in there to get her out of the crib.
She is very observant while we are driving and points out everything she sees. If she sees a horse, she yells out "Neigh!" and then will say, "Mom, Neigh" over and over again until I say something like Wow or Oh yeah, a horse? And then she will do this to every person in the car, until she is certain everyone knows what she saw.
Millie is also the queen of dancing. She has the craziest and weirdest dance moves. (I really need to upload a video of them)
Her favorite books are Hand hand finger thumb and You are my Cupcake. Every time I read it afterwards she says, "Again, Again".
Nine days old
First Birthday