Friday, May 11, 2012

Ellie quotes

Ellie: "What happens if I stand on one of my legs with the other like this?" (The other leg is up with her foot on her knee) "I will fall down like this." (And collapses to the ground.)

(Ellie is in my room with me while I get ready for the day)
(She points to a blue bra sitting on the bed)
Ellie: "Look mom! It's blue . . . it's a blue . . . . it's blue big boobs!"

(While playing with a helium balloon)
Ellie: "I am Mary and the balloon is baby Jesus."

(Me, my sister and Ellie were all singing a song together, while trying to get Ellie in bed for the night.)
Ellie: "Why are three people singing?"

(We have some friends that have an adorable little baby girl, that happens to be half black.)
Ellie: "Baby Zoe is a black baby."
Kierra: "You can't say that, that's racist."
Ellie: "No! It's not racist! She is a black baby, she is not white! You can't tell her she is white! She is black, you can't tell her she is white!"

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