Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Amelia's birth story

1:00am: While laying attempting to sleep, I started to have a few contractions. They were pretty close to together for just starting out, only about six minutes apart. I texted Mika (who was at work) and let him know that it wouldn't be long until baby was here and that I would keep him updated, so he wouldn't have to leave work, until he really needed to.  In hopes to have little baby sooner than later, I got out of bed to walk around, trying to speed up my contractions.
2:00am: My contractions were now about four minutes apart, so I decided it was time to call my mom to take me to the hospital. (My mom was my ride, just in case I happened to go into labor while Mika was working, which of course, happened.) While waiting for my mother I finished packing my hospital bag (procrastinate much?) and continued to walk around in pain.
2:30am: My slowest mother and father finally arrive at my house. (They only lives five minutes away, so I don't know how it took them so long to get there) My dad took Ellie back to their house for the night, while my mom drove me to the hospital. I let Mika know that we were on our way to the hospital and he was going to meet us there.
3:00am: We got to the hospital, (obviously my mother is a slow driver) and by then my contractions were two to three minutes apart. My mom was trying to take the last picture of me being pregnant, before I got changed into my lovely hospital dress, but my contractions were so strong and so close together that I couldn't hold still to get a descent picture. I knew I was getting super close to having this baby and kept telling my mom and the nurse that I needed my epidural now. I was so afraid that I would be too close to delivering that they wouldn't be able to give it to me.
3:15am: Mika finally arrives at the hospital. The anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural. While he was in the middle of putting it in, my water broke and I was freaking out. It was really gross feeling and I couldn't move, since he was still working on my epidural.
3:40am: Time to push. Push, push, push.
4:02am: And twenty minutes later, out comes Amelia Jo Goodman weighing 6lbs 1oz and 17 inches long.

Everything was so much faster than it was when I had Ellie.

Millie's labors was 3 hours total, Ellie's was 6.
I push for 20 minutes with Millie and 40 for Ellie.

Millie was 5oz lighter and 1 inch shorter than Ellie. I thought for sure she was going to be bigger.

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